Monday, July 31, 2023
KDTime: Healthy vs Unhealthy Jobs

Thursday, July 27, 2023
KDTime: West Indian Day Parade History
Episode 71
- It’s the largest parade of its kind in north America
- The party literally starts late August and goes on all the way to Labor Day (and then Tuesday morning eastern parkway looks like it was never touched lol)
- J’ouvert is the party that starts Sunday evening all the way through to labor day. People will party from dusk till dusk like i said. J’ouvert means “day break”
- The costumes, the colors, floats/bands, masqueraders aka playing mas.
- THE MUSIC, steel bands. Oh my word the music is phenomenal. Jump up Whine Down
- THE FOOOOOOOOOODDDDD. One of the best things about the parade is there is an endless variety of food and drink. Jerk chicken & rice, butterfly shrimp, curry chicken goat, oxtail, patties, coco bread, roti, doubles, Sugarcane juice, rum punch, ginger beer, sorrel, coco water, Jamaican rum. I drinking rum & red bull
- BROOKLYN. New york city in general but Brooklyn is the place to be. Duh!
KDTime: Musically Sound
Episode 70
Musical episodes have not only struck fear in the hearts and minds of fans far and wide. Network execs have had their fair share of facial palms whenever writers bring up the subject. I’m sure a few tv shows might have popped into your mind by now. And I can say that most that’s on my list aren’t that bad. They were actually surprisingly really good. I think that when I watch a show that’s not known for singing or there isn’t any indication that they can sing and I’m surprised by it is nice. But if they just tossed one in there to shake things up I'm like ugh in the words of Phil from The Rugrats in Paris movie “I hates when they sing”.
Now before I continue. I’ll issue a spoiler alert here. And please note that if one of the shows you love, a personal favorite, is missing from the list understand this, 1 the shows mentioned are ones that i have in fact seen, 2 the musical episode from the show has to have multiple musical numbers, 3 the songs must be completely spontaneous and won’t because there’s a play within the show and lastly these shows I will talk about will not be musical by nature like Phineas and Ferb, glee, Zoey’s extraordinary playlist and crazy ex girlfriend.
The Shows and their episodes:
Grey's Anatomy season 7 episode 18 Song Beneath a Song.
In this show there is so much going on and then they decided to do a musical that felt like a two parter. But I enjoyed watching it the first time and then I was like uh there was some cringey singing lol. But Callie, played by Sara Ramirez, was amazing. I often listen to her cover of The Story by Brandi Carlile. She’s the only powerhouse from the episode that I enjoyed listening to the most. It surely brought a tear to my eye and I don’t see how it didn’t for others but if I could choose one song from the episode it would be that one.
The Flash season 3 episode 17 duet
I was actually hoping they would do a musical on this show because I know Grant Gustin aka who played Barry Allen could sing because I watched Glee. And of course Jesse L. Martin playing Detective Joe West was fantastic in the Rent movie. And then to have supergirl’s Kara Danvers played by Melissa Benoist is also from Glee. So yea this episode was a treat in my opinion.
Community season 3 episode 10 Regional Holiday Music
Who doesn’t love a Christmas musical episode? To have Taran Killam in there and a glee themed goings on. Community felt like the kind of college anybody would love to go to. It’s such a wacky place and the group of misfits. I am seriously waiting for that movie. They did the 6 seasons. Now it is time for the movie already.
Futurama season 4 episode 18 The Devil’s Hands are Idle Playthings
I like Futurama. And they did this musical episode and it’s cute. Fry is a simple character who is constantly trying to impress Leela. I enjoyed all the music and the operatic flow and watching Leela’s past and her future with Fry.
Even Stevens season 2 episode 21 Influenza: The Musical
This episode was very cute, all in Ren’s head because she was sick. It had some pretty memorable tunes also like “We went to the moon In 1969” and “Sixth Period”. I enjoyed the music and because the show is less than a half an hour it was pretty impressive to fit several original numbers in there.
Dexter’s Laboratory season 2 episode 38 LAbretto
Speaking of short episodes, Dexter's Laboratory will always be one of my favorite Cartoon Network shows. This musical episode was cute. Another operatic giving us insight into Dexter's birth. My favorite song is “Hello, Dear Brother”. The episode also earned a Primetime Emmy Award nomination in ‘98.
Psych season 7 episode 15 & 16 Psych the musical
Honestly, we all kind of knew a musical was coming. I love Psych, it’s absolutely hilarious and the casting is gold. And what was even more awesome was by the end of the episode it was an entire "Psych" to the fans because the musical part was all apart of an elaborate playwright proposed by Shawn
Scrubs season 6 episode 6 My Musical
Scrubs, such a wonderfully written series minus season 9. This musical episode was well done. A lady comes in and imagines all the doctors, nurses, other patients, and dead guys singing!
That 70’s show That 70s Musical season 4 episode 24
I think the best part about this episode is we are getting a good view from Fez’s mind. He’s excited about a spring musical that he is in and spends majority of the time trying to convince the gang to come and support him. Spoiler Alert they do. Also, they sing some 70s classics like Steve Miller's "The Joker," Nazareth's "Love Hurts," The Turtles' "Happy Together." and Peaches & Herb “Shake Your Groove Thing”. It was a very enjoyable episode and I love the bloopers at the end of it.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 6 episode 7 Once More with Feeling
Sarah Michelle Gellar will always be Buffy to us even if she’s done more with her career. We all know her as Buffy. The bad guy in the episode was funny and could hold a tune. The thing that was probably the best part about this episode was that it pushed the story forward. Allowing all the characters to fully express themselves or their deeper feelings through song was a brilliant idea. None of them were going to come clean otherwise. So even if they defeated the evil, it opened the door of a bit more communication for the team.
KDTime: The Heart vs The Mind
Episode 69
Despite popular belief our hearts don’t actually have components that manifest as thinking but it does show strong changes to emotions but the heart itself cannot feel. Hard to believe that your heart can’t feel because it feels like it can. Especially when we feel heartbroken. It is truly our brain/mind that allows us to think, feel, and act using many systems of neurons that work together. The brain/mind is one that creates emotions and thoughts.Our hearts are believed to be relatively close with emotional attachments such as love, kindness, affection, caring, and more while our minds are mostly connected to rational, educational, knowledgeable, and logical thinking as well as memory and judgment etc.
So which do you follow more?
KDTime: Stream to Dream
Have you ever watched a movie and before you know it you are in complete dreamland? You might wake up somewhere in the movie not having a clue what’s going on? Or you might pop in a movie you know will just put you right to sleep and you’re completely okay with that.
- Belfast 2021
- The Big Chill 1983
- Atonement 2007
- Dune 2021
- Let Them all Talk 2020
- Book Club 2018
- Interstellar 2014
- Zodiac 2007
- Titanic 1997
- Julie & Julia 2009
- Spencer 2021
- Legends of the Fall 1994
- Notting Hill 1999
- Ocean's Eleven 2001
- Paddington 2014
- Set it Up 2018
- It's Complicated 2009
- Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 2016
- Tarzan 1999
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
KDTime: Food Facts You May Not Know
Episode 67
Fact number one. Do you like fruit? Well Frozen Fruit might be a little better for you. We are possibly programmed to believe that fresh is the only way to go when it comes to fruits and veggies but the truth is that if they are frozen they can sometimes be even better for you. There’s a thing called flash-frozen meaning right after the fruits and veggies are picked at their peak ripeness, once frozen they are so full of vitamins and minerals in comparison that may have degraded in their fresh version. As long as there isn’t any added sugar or salt in your frozen fruits and veggies you are good to go. Generally speaking, the nutrients are well retained when frozen which can improve your health.
Fact number two. Did you know that there is a huge possibility that there is sunscreen in your salad. You heard me correctly. Sunscreen in your salad. A key ingredient in many paints and sunscreens is titanium dioxide and it just so happens to also be in some salad dressings. I really like ranch dressing and I would hate to find out I've been ingesting an ingredient that prevents me from burning in the sun. That ingredient can also be in store icing and coffee creamers. Anyway, make sure you are reading the labels of anything you purchase nowadays. The things the FDA are allowing in the USA is actually pretty scary. Why was it approved to have such an ingredient to be in both dressing and paint? If you see titanium dioxide in your food products do not eat it. It may be considered safe to eat in general but listen the WHO, World Health Organization, says that it is a possible carcinogen meaning cancer. Proceed at your own risk.
Fact number 3. Almond milk. Would you believe me if I told you that almond milk may not be healthy? I wouldn’t believe me if I said that either. It is generally considered a healthy drink, but may not be. After all, almonds making milk naturally come on let’s be for real. They are neither cows nor a goat or a biological woman. Yes I know there are other animals that can produce milk but that’s not the point. The point is that the truth about almond milk and their so-called mass production is not what you think. Almond milk needs to be heavily processed. Would you believe that a normal carton of almond milk only uses about 4 or 5 almonds to make, the rest is water and additives that make it look like milk! That’s not exactly the most natural thing you can buy. Almond milk does have sources of vitamin E, which helps with cell regeneration in the body and it’s full of omega 3 fats which are handy dandy helpers for balanced mental health and cholesterol levels but that’s kind of where it stops. Did you know that some brands only contain about 2 percent of almonds in it and the rest of it is the water and emulsifiers. There’s other “nutrients” like vitamin A and D that are artificially added. Wild right??
Ok last fact, speaking of processed foods. Not all of them are bad. You may be thinking whaaaaa? She’s crazy. All processed food is considered unhealthy but listen guys listen not all processed food is a bad thing. Let me explain. It really depends on the level of processing we’re talking about. A great example is a salad mix. It’s been processed, no one's gonna argue that a plain salad mix is bad for you. Same with tomato sauce, which is actually more nutritious than a plain tomato since the cooking process releases more of the cancer-fighting lycopene that makes them so good for you but of course as long as it doesn't have any added sugar or salt. The point is don’t cut them all out completely because some are good for you. Let’s name a few that are good for you processed foods. Greek yogurt, canned beans, Cereal but of course i’m not talking about eh cereal we all flock too like frosted flakes or corn pops. Nope I'm talking super healthy and probably ridiculously pricey oh and frozen or canned fish.
KDTime: Ladies Night
Episode 66
KDTime: Rank Them Villians
Episode 65
I love a good Disney villain. The kind that you love to hate. Some of these villains have had a “hard knock life” but most of them were pretty much evil as soon as you saw them on the screen. Of course we don’t get the backstories of these villains often but it does make you wonder how and why they end up like this? What could be the cause of their evil? As I went down the list of villains in no particular order. I ranked them from just needing therapy to needing to be held in a specific mental facility.
Before I continue, these villains are from Disney animated movies and do not include Pixar movies as that is ranking all on its own. Needless to say this episode would be a lot longer if it included every single Disney villain out there. Also, most if not all these villains were killed or never heard from again so it’s not like they can take any advice now.
Each Villain has a story to share and we should have a better understand of how they go to be so EVIL but in the same regard because most of them are human then they could've been redeemed in some way but again they might not around *blink blink* anymore.
Here are a few from my show:
Mother Gothel - Mental hospital. She was another villain much like the Evil Queen who was obsessed with youth and beauty.
Dr. Facilier - Shadow Man - Therapy. He was obsessed with Power. Had control issues and murder tendencies. Should he be locked up in jail probably but you can’t really lock someone up when they deal with voodoo magic. To be honest the way he was dragged away by the shadow realm and all that is exactly what he needed because all he did was use them to get what he wanted and failed. Now if he succeeded it would be an entirely different conversation. But there was a small theory floating around that he is actually Mama Odie’s son and she disowned him because of his dark voodoo magic. Now I don’t know if that’s true but the point is he could use therapy and work out what those issues are.
Scar - jail. He does not need therapy or to be in a mental hospital because he was very level headed the entire movie he knew exactly what he was doing the entire time.
Ursula - therapy. She isn’t crazy and actually helps a lot of the people until they cross her and she simply makes them pay for it. She doesn’t kill anybody and it seems like her and Triton need to go sit down and talk things out.
Maleficent - therapy. She has serious FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) literally the only reason she even acts out in Sleeping Beauty is because she wasn’t invited to a party. I mean definitely for good reason but still to not even be given the opportunity to decline the invite is kind of rude. Now I’m not on her side but honestly if the woman, wait is she a woman? I mean technically according to her movies with Angelina Jolie she is a fairy anyway my point is if she was given a chance i think things could’ve been different.
What are your thoughts? Do you agree? I know there are villains I didn't mention but I can talk about them another time.
KDTime: Spell it Out
Episode 64
10. Dinosaur - Ke$ha
9. Izzo (H.O.V.A) - Jay Z
8. Fergalicious - Fergie
7. Move - Luke Bryan
6. R.O.C.K. in the USA - John Mellancamp
5. Independent - Webbie
4. Yoda - Weird Al
3. Saturday Night - Bay City Rollers
2. Hollaback Girl - Gwen Stefani
1. RESPECT - Aretha Franklin
There are more songs but these are the ones the people know of. If Family Feud were to ever ask the question of what songs do you have to spell the words for I guarantee that these would be on the board. Especially Respect by Aretha Franklin. That has got to be the number 1 answer.
Some of other songs to consider, Unity - Queen Latifah, LOVE - Nat King Cole and Safety Dance - Men Without Hats.
What are some songs you know that aren't listed here?
KDTime: Are Sports Stars Paid too much?
Episode 63
How much is too much? This debate on sports athletes is ongoing and it won’t stop because we as fans will dish out by the bucket loads to watch entertainment. That’s what sports are right: entertaining and stressing and beautiful and anxiety building and all that. “That’s Hockey baby” “It is high it is deep it is gone see ya” “oh what a play! A 63 ft field goal is good" "From way downtown bang” did you recognize any of these sportscaster catchphrases?Tuesday, July 4, 2023
KDTime: Couples' Careers
Episode 62
So I definitely noticed in most tv shows the commonality of couples that get together are based on their work place relationships. And it dawned on me that it was weird that couples that we claim are ENDGAME were only together because they were thrust together via the workplace.
While in my own dating life, I have only dated maybe a couple of guys based on being around them while at work. It seemed so common based on the shows I watched. But in reality, my friends, the parents of my friends, people in my groups and communities DID NOT date, have a relationship or get married and also worked together. Instead they met in various ways and kept the workplace separate. Unless one of the persons in the relationship owned a business and their partner would work with them that is completely different.
My point is that majority of the shows I watch featured couples getting together based on proximity. Here's the list below of the ones from Tv.
Tv Show Couples:
- Derek & Meredith Grey's Anatomy both doctors/surgeons met at the bar but realized he was her boss
- The Cosby's Claire Huxtable lawyer and Cliff Huxtable obstetrician met in college Hillman College
- Dre advertising executive & Bow anesthesiologist (unclear how they met)
- Jim and Pam worked in the office together (he fell in love with her by proximity)
- Jesse & Becky Full House (they met through Danny because of work)
- Louis & Jessica Fresh off the boat (met in a bathroom)
- Mindy & Danny both gynecologists The Mindy Project (worked in the same clinic)
- Nick & Jess New Girl (Proximity, they lived in the same apartment)
- Jane & Michael Jane the Virgin (she was a writer and he was a cop, they met after he went to her house over a noise complaint on her birthday)
- Andy & April Parks & Rec (Proximity; met through Ann and Leslie and finding work at Parks & Rec)
- Brad & Jane Happy Endings (Brad works for a huge Chicago investment firm and was introduced to his wife, Jane, by his best bud Max on their season of Real World Sacramento. She works for The Car Czar as a car salesperson)
I also took time to ask real life couples who are either in my life or people I met via various groups. The answers of which partner did what and how they met were amazing to see.
KDTime: That's Expensive
KDTime: Manifest it with Michelle
Episode 96 The *Manifesting Miracles* podcast by Michelle J. Lamont is designed to empower listeners to harness their inner manifestation a...
Episode 85 In this episode, Amy and I talk about her new book Star Sick as I get into the mind of a self published writer. Being a self-publ...
Twenty Eight Be careful not to mess with the balance of things, because everything is not what it seems. This is the second half of TV Show ...
Episode 68 Have you ever watched a movie and before you know it you are in complete dreamland? You might wake up somewhere in the movie not ...