Thursday, July 1, 2021

KDTime: Reality Bites or Does it?

   Twenty Six

I'm back from a very long hiatus as I said from the previous post I haven't posted or published anything for several months. Well I am back and fair warning when I don't post or publish things it's really because of life changes. I should be more forthcoming but it can be overwhelming to keep up with everything unless I make this my number one priority which is definitely a future possibility. Right now podcasting isn't putting food on the table so I'll keep working.

In this episode I pick up where I left off going right into talking about dating TV shows. I sincerely think that we all have succumbed to watching a dating TV show whether it's one of the obvious like the Bachelor/Bachelorette, or the dating game, maybe even 90 day Fiancée. Either way we have fallen into a cycle of watching love/dating shows because a part of us just believes watching a show on love and dating will somehow help us in our own dating lives. We can see the do's and don'ts and hope for the best. But the reality is that love and dating is just as hard, if not harder when you aren't being fed the right words to say. Did I just spill those beans? Yes some shows are completely fabricated and scripted for the "drama". Some of the dating shows we watch aren't real at all and that sucks but it's TV magic that makes us believe it.

I found a link on BuzzFeed about some of the secrets behind the scenes of most dating shows. You can see for yourself or you can choose to be happily ignorant towards the truth that the dating shows we enjoy are only just for show. Here it is below:

Here's an excerpt from the episode:

"We are suckers for the story where two strangers fall in love even if the way it happens is a complete fantasy. It’s all about drama and we love a good drama so we can feel good about our own lives saying things like oh if that were me then… or i would never treat them that way. And that’s why you are not in the show. We also have that hopeful feeling or sort of wish for those two people who ended up together on the show to make it work outside of the show but that doesn’t always happen. Because romance in reality tv is not the same as real life romance."

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