Episode Eighteen
"Whoooooooooose hungry!?!?!?" quote from Spongebob Squarepants. One of my favorite episodes is the very first one way back in 1999 called Help Wanted. Spongebob feeds what looks like thousands of anchovies and comes flying in with the very rare special spatuala. It gives introduction the show the exact crazy to expect throughout the series. Can't believe it's still going on. Spongebob will be on forever (maybe, who knows). In said show the main idea is that Spongebob is working in a the Krusty Krab as a cook.
Speaking of food...
In this episode, I talk about food. Popular food debates and food I want to try from cartoons and yes a krabby patty is on that list. Now do not judge me because deep down you know cartoon food looks and probably tastes delicious!
Here's the list of foods
Foods from cartoons you wanted to try:
Krabby patties
Nachos and burritos from Kim possible
Spinach from Popeyes
Gumbo & beignets from the princess and the frog
Grey stuff from beauty & the beast
Bob's burger ideas
Yogi’s picnic basket finds
Scooby snacks
Garfield’s lasagna
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