Wednesday, January 18, 2023

KDTime: New Year, New You?

Episode 57

In this episode, I'll give 7 awesome things to remember in the year! What are some things you do to change your outlook on the new year?


7 Wonderful Things to Remember This New Year

1: It’s not too late to change your destiny

    It's not too late. you can do anything you set your mind to! You are in control of yourself and what you want to do with your life.

2: The new year still only comes one day at a time — focus on making each day its own victorious life

    Everyday is new opportunity to do something beneficial for yourself. You won't get back yesterday and tomorrow isn't written so do what you can with today!

3: Do the things you’re scared of doing

    Face your fears! They only have the power of being a fear if you keep them there. You are in control. Face them, do what you're scared of doing to show that fear you are not afraid.

4: Happiness isn’t waiting in the future, it can only be in the present

    This is a great way of saying the longer wait to reach something you'll never get it because you'll keep thinking is still out there in the distance to attain. It's not! you can be happy right now why wait?

5: The best is yet to come

    Sometimes the things you wait for are all the more precious. It may sound like you can wit for happiness but no. What this actually means is that the belief that what you are going through today won't last forever. whether good or bad.

6: Live the year before it happens

    Imagine yourself in better circumstances. Only you can write the story that is your life so If you believe that theres more to life then you can live that truth and keep moving forward

7: Whatever this year becomes, it is up to you

    You can walk into this year still being weighed down by the past years or you can make this year anything you want it to be. Take charge! As Miss Frizzle would say "Take chances, make mistakes and get messy!"

Sunday, January 8, 2023

KDTime: It's the Holiday Season

 Episode 56

In this episode, it's the last episode of 2022 and KDTime wraps up the year with gratitude for the retail world. It's the holiday season and the most important thing is that the people remember what it's all about. it's short and simple. 

Here are at least 5 things to remember when it comes to holiday

Breathe. Remember to take deep breaths. 
Take time for yourself. You don't have to say “yes” to every social engagement that comes your way. 
Create new memories. 
Don't compare your family situation to a Hallmark card. 
Be grateful.

There are more things to remember but as long as you treat people as you want to be treated you should have a wonderful holiday season! 

KDTime: Manifest it with Michelle

 Episode 96 The *Manifesting Miracles* podcast by Michelle J. Lamont is designed to empower listeners to harness their inner manifestation a...