Whether you are 18 or 65, maybe even 16, you have come to the stage in life where you need to work to make a living or to just make money in general. I've had the opportunity to work with several different bosses in my life and I've gotten the chance to become a boss myself. In that time I learned a lot. Some of those bosses really helped me grow up and saw something in me that I didn't necessarily see in myself. I like that those people were nurturing and cared so much about the impact that they had on my life. For the most part I can say that all of the bosses I've had have been a great driving force in my journey.
Throughout the history of television, there have been all sorts of bosses, we've seen business owners, managers, heads of departments, directors, chiefs, CEOs. And we've loved every minute of their existence on a show. Some of them have given us some of the most iconic, award-winning performances we have ever seen.
Now in this episode, I don't talk about the many many many Television show boss that there
are because that would be way too many to fit into one single episode. It would have to
be done in several episodes. So instead of going on a very long episodic tangent;
I spoke about some of the more recent ones to my timeline of television. Some of the most
memorable, if you will, for me. I honestly did not want to talk about tv shows that I haven't
seen nor did I want to pretend like I knew who I was talking about, just to appease everyone
who has watched television.
This list below is all the ones that I think are the most memorable.

The Office
Steve Carell as Michael Scott
Michael Scott became the regional manager of Dunder Mifflin in Scranton after years of working as one of the company's best salespeople. He maybe in charge of the Scranton department but he has the leadership skills of a child especially when he doesn't get his way. Known for his inappropriate jokes, gathering everyone for ridiculous meetings and coming up with tasks, Michael Scott is the very definition of an annoying but lovable dude. He loves his job and cares about his employees which makes him slightly tolerable despite all of his antics.

Parks & Rec
Nick Offerman as Ron Swanson
Ron Swanson is the ironic director of Pawnee's Parks and Recreation Department. He
doesn't care as much for his job and strongly feels like the job is pointless. He champions
laziness from his employees and does all he can to avoid doing actual work. Although he
personally sees work as useless objective, he works really well and has a genuine
relationship with his Deputy Director Leslie Knope. He cares about his employees and
shows throughout every episode how strong of a role model he is.

Amy Poehler as Leslie Knope
Leslie Knope is the Deputy Director of the Parks and Rec Department. She is creative,
smart and always motivates the team to strive to be better and do better. She does right
by the town of Pawnee and still makes time to be an awesome friend to Ann Perkins and
others. She also keeps her priorities in check and does work hard for everyone.
Living Single
Queen Latifah as Khadijah James
Khadijah James is the editor and publisher of Flavor Magazine, an independent
magazine, that is focuses it's content to the African-American community. Khadijah is a
smart, motivated, go-getter, and knows the value of working hard. She does her best
for her work team and works hard for her magazine. It goes through several trials, but
Khadijah keeps it going to the best of her ability. She is supportive to her friends and
family, even hiring her very ditzy cousin Sinclair to work as a secretary. She keeps her
home life and work life balanced and doesn't let personal matters distract her from doing
the work necessary. Her love for the magazine is shown in the episodes of the show and
she works hard to make the magazine a viable source of entertainment.

Grey's Anatomy
James Pollard Jr as Richard Webber
Richard Webber is introduced to us as the Chief of Surgery. We see him go through so many different levels of his jobs. He deals with his life at home, his drinking problem, his inadvertent relationship with Meredith Grey and how he teaches an entire hospital. He is supportive and funny and always tries to do the right thing. He's got a lot of experience under his belt and watching him step down because of his personal troubles was hard to watch but now we have a great chief in Bailey who Richard taught.

Chandra Wilson as Miranda Bailey
Miranda Bailey is seen as a hard worker and very passionate about her job. When we
first see her, we see how tough and straight forward she really is, harshly nicknamed
"The Nazi", for being hard on her interns. She is unbothered if they like or not
and makes sure they understand their place. Although seen as mean she is a very skilled
surgeon and an excellent teacher. She shows compassion for her interns and patients
as well as protectiveness. She is strong in times of crisis and became the Chief of Surgery
after a long awaited time. She is the epitome of a well versed boss.

How to Get Away with Murder
Viola Davis as Annalise Keating
Annalise Keating is one bad mamma jamma. At first glance, you see her as strong, confident, intelligent, accomplished, talented attorney and law school professor. As well as the class she teaches criminal law 100 or as she prefers to call it "How to get away with murder", she also has the law firm run from her household that employs students from her class and subsequently Bonnie and Frank who are associated with Annalise by other means. She is a complex, high-profile criminal defense attorney, who has her own troubled past. With that past she uses her knowledge to crush the opposition and win difficult intriguing cases. She is a damn good boss and boss b***!

Kerry Washington as Olivia Pope
Olivia Pope is a crisis management attorney. She runs her own firm and employs others
based on their skillset. They are chosen in a particular way. They become like family,
once they're in they are in for life, and they work best when they trust each other.
Olivia sometimes called "Liv" for short; is protective of her people and loves them deeply.
Her parents are each on two sides of the political spectrum, her father is tyrant and leader of
B613 a.k.a Command, a high level, top secret government agency responsible for their own
calculated occurrences. Her mother is a terrorist who is caught by her father at some point
and also causes havoc in Liv's life. She is intelligent, loyal, confident, quick on her feet
and uses these strengths to her benefit in every aspect of her life. With her strict morals,
some decisions become a bit dark along the way in the show.

The Simpsons
Harry Shearer as Montgomery Burns
Mr. Burns is probably the worst boss in the tv world. As the richest man in Springfield,
he Is motivated by his greed and selfishness. He runs the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant
where Homer Simpson works. He uses his power and wealth to do whatever he desires.
He has zero concerns for the safety and well-being of his employees.
He treats his one assistant like a lap dog. Out of all the bosses he could use some humility
and compassion.

Brooklyn Nine Nine
Andre Braugher as Captain Raymond Holt
Captain Raymond Holt is the captain of the 99th Precinct in Brooklyn, New York. He is an unforgettable boss. He is determined, loyal, intelligent, cunning, funny, witty, and shows true dedication to to his squad. He goes above and beyond for his team everyday, both personally and professionally to the point where he gives his all and makes decisions that are impactful in his position. He bonds with his team with friendly competitions known as the annual "Halloween Heist". It tests the detectives skills and shows how great they work either together or on their own.
ScrubsJohn C. McGinley as Dr. Perry Cox
Dr. Cox is one of the meaner bosses on this list but his anger and frustrations aren't necessarily the fault of his underlings but more from the system itself. He can't save everyone and the more he shows he doesn't care the less it is supposed to hurt but it doesn't matter. He feels things and has compassion for his patients especially the ones that life is simply unfair too. He constantly insults the other workers particularly J.D., Turk, and Elliot but he has sweet moments as well. The one thing I'll always remember about his character is definitely the long winded rants and somewhat venting spats. Also, he blatantly does what he can to help the patient while Bob Kelso, the real boss technically, is always trying to cut corners and isn't as invested in anything but himself.