Monday, March 14, 2022

KDTime: D.E.A.R.


Y'all remember that song Read a Book by Lil Jon? It came out 14 years ago and anytime I think about reading I think about that song. The music video is hilarious and it did not make me want to read a book which isn't surprising! Because Lil Jon songs are catchy AF, if not all the songs are super catchy. But my point for bringing it up is simple!

Drop Everything and Read! That was a big slogan when I was in school and it too did not make me want to read, but I did like reading. I didn't like people telling me to read or what to read a whole lot but I did it. I know there are millions of books and audiobooks to read and enjoy. I like reading about adventure, intrigue, story-telling and a little bit of drama and/or romance. Some books are easier to read then others. I'm saying I didn't always like reading the Encyclopedia, but I know that it was helpful when I had homework. It's actually crazy to me now that my mom had the entire series in our house and whenever I had a question or needed to "look up" something I could grab one of the books and find information. It was the most updated version of it's time but seriously. Who else has or had a whole Encyclopedia on their book shelves?? 

Anyway, this episode was fun and it did make me think about reading more frequently and expanding my vocabulary because new words are made almost all the time. With that being said, here is the full list of books from the episode below! 

Book you did not finish - Michelle Obama’s Becoming

Book you remember from childhood - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

Favorite classic novel - Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Book that broke your heart - Of Mice & Men by John Steinbeck

Best audiobook to listen to on a road trip - Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

Series everyone should read - Children of Blood & Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

Favorite book to give as a gift - Cookbook 

Literary character you want to have dinner or drinks with -

the Mad Hatter from Alice and Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

A book with a color in the title - The Color Purple by Alice Walker or

One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss

A fairy tale retelling - Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine

A book you’ve read more than once - Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion

A book with a person’s name in the title (real or fictional) -

Beezus & Ramona by Beverly Cleary

An audiobook you like because of the narrator’s voice - Janina Edwards,

The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory

A book that made you laugh out loud- Accidentally Married by Victorine E. Lieske

The book you’re reading right now - Drama High Jayd’s Legacy by L. Divine

Thursday, March 3, 2022

KDTime: Tech the Should Exist

 This conversation is probably talked about a lot already but why not again. There is tech that was imagined that should exist in our real lives already. And even though some of the ideas that were created were portrayed in movies and tv shows there are still some that haven't been invented yet or some that have but we don't know that. The government doesn't want us to know about it.

I'm not into conspiracy theories but wouldn't that be something, we find out that there is a time machine or a real life hoverboard and not the ones that are here with wheels. We should be gliding across water by now like in Back to the Future 2.

Here are some of the tech items:

Flying cruises like the one in the 5th element, 

Needleless injections like from star trek, 

Power clothing i.e. self-drying and self-tying shoes.

Time Machines

Rosy the Robot!

There are plenty tech out there that was created but the ones that people have hoped for, the ones I still hope for haven't and sometimes I wish I was smart enough to create them on my own. But I haven't given myself the opportunity to try honestly. I wouldn't know where to start either. 

It's all good though because the thought of these inventions are enough for me. I'd have to mentally prepare myself for these inventions it took time to figure out and get excited for all the tech we have now. It makes sense if you think about it.

KDTime: Manifest it with Michelle

 Episode 96 The *Manifesting Miracles* podcast by Michelle J. Lamont is designed to empower listeners to harness their inner manifestation a...